Enjoy these thoughts, memories and reflections.
INSIDE: Reflections
A task unfinished
Jan 24, 2022 by Leoma G Gilley
I have a task and there’s a deadline
Don’t know what the deadline is—
Just that there is one.
Happy Birthday, Mom

Dec 24, 2021 by Leoma G Gilley
On this 24th day of December 2021, my precious mother, Frances Mable Christabel Tripp Gilley, would be 103. She left us 10 years ago, and it is hard to believe that much time has passed. I still miss her.
Advent 1
Dec 06, 2021 by Leoma G Gilley
I have a Lover who waits for me;
Offers me love and blessings for free.
He promised any good gift, you see
If I accepted his ransom for me.
Forest Bathing

Sep 29, 2021 by Leoma G Gilley
Forest Bathing
I grew up among water and trees
but recently learned forest bathing frees
us from stress, relieves depression, gives rest.
"Come sit with Me at water's edge."
"Maybe later" I always pledge.
But how can I stop? So much to do.
When is there time to follow through?
I grew up among water and trees
but recently learned forest bathing frees
us from stress, relieves depression, gives rest.
"Come sit with Me at water's edge."
"Maybe later" I always pledge.
But how can I stop? So much to do.
When is there time to follow through?
Prayer, What I Used to Think
Apr 04, 2021 by Leoma G Gilley
I used to think prayer was talking;
Now I know it is more listening.
I used to think prayer was asking;
Now I know it is more receiving.